Birthday Blog Party WINNER!

Thank you to everyone who helped make my birthday special by reading my blog or commenting on my post πŸ™‚

I’m excited to announce the winner of my first ever Birthday Blog Party Giveaway! The winner will be getting some delicious spices and fabulous loose leaf teas from my favorite shop Wonderland Teas & Spices (Bellingham WA). I decided to opt out of sending chocolate because… well… it would melt :-/

And the winner IS… Meg S. πŸ™‚ Congratulations! (I’ll be sending you an e-mail soon – if you don’t see it let me know!)

Thanks again for all of the birthday wishes and fun birthday tradition ideas! I had fun “planning” this party and picking out the teas and spices I was going to give away! Can’t wait to do it again πŸ™‚

27th Birthday Blog Party!

It’s my birthday! Twenty-seven years ago today I was born in Portland Oregon to the best parents on earth!

Birthdays are interesting things. When I was younger I always thought I would wake up feeling different somehow… Older maybe. I always felt the same – although I usually felt pretty special πŸ™‚ My family has some great birthday traditions… When I was little we would wake up to a bedroom completely covered in crepe paper! We would have to climb out of it like a spy through laser beams or rip our way through in order to get to the door. As I got older my parents decided that toilet paper was cheaper, so from then on we just got our room “toilet-papered”. One year (when I was either 21 or 22) my dad called up my neighbors/good friends and (easily) talked them into toilet-papering my entire apartment! This year I won’t be waking up to a room strewn with toilet paper. I will instead be waking up at 5:00 am to go to work and cook for 10.5 hours. I’m not complaining. I’m grateful to have a job! I’ll be celebrating my birthday with my sisters on Sunday when we go camping! And next week I’ll be able to see my family and have a little family party…

With my brother at my birthday last year!

Another family tradition that we have is that the birthday person always gets to pick what they want to have for dinner. And when I was little we had “moneyΒ  cakes” that were just traditional style cakes with coins stuck in them! (Don’t worry, the coins were thoroughly washed.) We always got really excited if we got anything bigger then a penny πŸ™‚

This year I want to start a new tradition! I want to celebrate with all of you by hosting a little blog party/giveaway! I’m going to give away a gift box filled with stuff from a couple of my favorite local shops (spices, teas, possibly chocolate), simply because it’s my birthday! In order to be entered to receive this gift box of foodie goodies you need to leave me a comment telling me what your favorite birthday tradition is!

It would make my day if I got a whole bunch of comments – so spread the word!

Party Time!

The weather is finally cooperating and staying nice enough that I can plan and throw all of those parties that wouldn’t fit in my teensy tiny house!
My mom and I just had a fun ladies brunch for some of the women from church… We made open face cucumber and sprout sandwiches, caprese skewers, little BLT sandwiches, chicken curry salad sandwiches and chocolate truffles with strawberries and whipped cream!

*Unfortunately all of our cameras are either broken or have gone missing (mine), so I am unable to document any of the fun party happenings.*

The next party that’s in the works is… My 26th Birthday Fiesta! *Gasp* I’m going to be 26.
I have big plans for this shindig… I’m making: tacos de lengua and carne asada tacos (tongue and steak tacos)! Mango, jicama and cucumber salad. Green chile salsa, chunky guacamole and homemade refried beans with corn tortilla chips. Several kinds of ceviche and oyster cocktails (if I’m lucky)! And don’t forget Jarritos (for the kidos) and plenty of margaritas and caipirinhas. Yum Yum! I’m excited.

I’m working on some great decorations… I’m making these pom-pom things (only all of mine are going to be hanging) and I’m making………. a PINATA! It’s going to be fun πŸ™‚ I only wish all of my Moscow friends could be there.
I am going to try to dig up a camera to take pictures of the actual party – so hopefully I’ll be able to show you how everything turned out!